15 Minute Carpet Audit

Carpet Masters 15 Minute Carpet Audit


Over time, your carpets can collect bacteria, fungus, pollens, dust mites, pollutants, pet dander and cooking residues. And obviously, you want to protect your family's health from these potentially agravating things. We invite you to call us. We will answer your questions and give you a Free Carpet Audit, with no obligation.

Dirty Footsteps on White Carpet

Your Carpet Audit will:
• Tell you if your carpet stains are permanent or not
• Tell you the estimated remaining life of your carpet
• Provide suggestions to increase the life of your carpet
• Give you a written report of your carpet's condition

Then, if you choose, AND only if you choose, we'll give you an exact quote for cleaning your carpet. You are under NO OBLIGATION and we never pressure anyone.

Why Choose Carpet Over Other Flooring?

For a long time, there's been a misconception that carpet exacerbates asthma and allergy symptoms. In fact, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that properly cleaned and maintained carpet not only reduces asthma and allergy problems, it's actually the best flooring for people who suffer from them. Read more at: The Rug and Carpet Institute.

Free 15 Minute Carpet Audit™!

The Carpet Masters will come to your home and audit your carpet for free. That's right, there's no cost and no obligation of any kind. Here's what we'll do for you:

  1. First, we'll cover all of the problems your carpet might have. We'll check for “unwanted” stains and tell you whether or not they can be removed and how. This includes pet stains and other difficult stains.
  2. We'll calculate the "wear" age of your carpet. Your carpet may be 10 years old, but only have a wear age of 2 years. However, your carpet may be 2 years old, yet have a wear age of 10 years. We'll explain how long it will be before you need to consider getting new carpet and give you a "prescription" for making your carpet last as long as possible.
  3. We'll determine if your carpet is in good health. Oh, you've never thought of your carpet as having good or bad health. Well, just like people, if a carpet is in bad health, it will not live long. Healthy carpets are great for healthy people and for healthy wallets.

Your Carpet's Health and You

Yes, your carpet's health can affect you and your family's health. Just like you track in dirt from the outside, you also track in other contaminants. Like car exhaust, cigarette smoke, asphalt, chemicals, dust, germs, pollens, tar and soot. Plus many other pollutants that you may not even think about. These get lodged in your carpet, just like dirt. Let the Carpet Masters take care of your carpet cleaning, so you and your family can breath easy.

CONTACT US today to book your Free Carpet Audit. No cost, No obligation. We'd love to clean your world!